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weußldfõ isák wkd¾l,Sf.ka 
rislhkag ,shqula

miq.shod újdy Èúhg we;=<;ajQ wkd¾l,S wdld¾Id wef.a w;awl=ßka ,shQ nj lshk ,shukla ,xldfõ udOH fj; m<lsÍu msKsi tjd ;sfnkjd'
tys i|yka jk wdldrhg weh wef.a isysk f,dalfhka ñ§ ienE wdorh fidhd.;a nj lshd ;sfnkjd'
wef.a ieñhd äIdkaf.a 

mjq, jir 50 l muK ld,hl isg wef.a mjq, iu. in|;d mj;ajd ;sfnk nj lshk weh ieñhd weußldj yer fkdhk ksid weho bÈßfha§ È.gu weußldfõ l,a .; lrk nj okajd isák w;r ,xldfõ rislhka wu;l fkdlrk njo okajd isákjd'

tu ,shuk my; mßÈh'

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