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vhf,d.a ksid ,xldfõu cx.u ÿrl:k wk;=f¾

 tái,dÜ ,xld ys jHdmdßl lghq;= uq¿ukskau w;am;a lr .ekSug vhf,d.a wdishdgd iud.u Y%S ,xld úÿ,s ixfoaY kshduk fldñIka iNdfjka wkque;sh b,a,Sug lghq;= iqodkï lrñka isák nj jd¾;d fõ'

vhf,d.a ys m%Odk úOdhl ydkaia úf–iqßh uy;d tlai;a wrdì tó¾ rdcH fha ixpdrhl ksr;fjñka wod, .kqfokqjg miq.shod uq,mqrd ;sìks'

 fufia vhf,d.a wdh;k tu iud.u o ñ,§ .;fyd;a ,xldfõ cx.u ÿrl:k flaI;%h oeä wjodkulg ,laúh yels nj wd¾:sl úfYaI{ u;h fõ' ta cx.u ÿrl:k flaI;% fha taldêldßh vhf,d.a i;=jk neúks' fï jk úg fvd,¾ ñ,shk 200 l muK uqo,lg tái,dÜ ,xld iud.u úl=Kd oeóug wod, vqndhs ysñldr md¾Yj ,xiq bÈßm;a lr we;s njo mejfia'

fï jk úg furg cx.u ÿrl;k fjf< fmdf,a ishhg 40 l mx.=jla vhf,d.a i;=jo ;j;a ishhg 20 la tái,dÜ i;=j;a ;sfí' fï .KqfoKqj fmkajd foñka ;j;a fldgila yÉ yd fudìfg,a tla lsÍfï jEhul ksr;j isák njo jd¾;d fõ' tho úYd, w;hg .súiqïla njg fïjk úg f;dr;=re fy,sfjñka ;sfnk w;r wm bÈßfhaÈ ta iïnkaO ;;= fy<s lrkafkuq' ikafg,a iud.ï ysñldß;ajh mejÍ we;af;ao vhf,d.a wdishdgd ygh'

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