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wg yeúßÈ oeßh ksfjig
f.keú;a ¥IKh lr,d 

mdi,g hñka isá 8 yeúßÈ nd,jhialdr oeßhla rjgdf.k ksfjig /f.k f.dia wehj nrm;< wmfhdackhlg ,lal< nj lshk 60 yeúßÈ ielldr foore mshl= foieïn¾ 3 Èk olajd rla‍Is; nkaOkd.dr .; lrk f,i m%Odk ufyia;%d;a iyka udmd nKavdr uy;d ksfhda. lf<ah'

tfia rla‍Is; nkaOkd.dr .; flrefKa wxl 187$6 m;srf.dv mdr uyr.u ,smskfhys mÈxÑ weUq,afo‚hf.a ñyskaomd, kue;af;ls'

tu oeßhg , wmfhdackhla lsÍu i|yd iellreg wjYH jgmsgdj i,id ÿka nj lshk Tyqf.a wkshï ìßh jk we,aúá.,f.a iqcd;d kue;a;sh remsh,a mkaoyil uqo,a yd remsh,a ,la‍Ihla jákd YÍr wemhla u; uqodyßk f,igo ksfhda. flre‚'

by; lS oeßhf.a mdif,a ksfhdacH úÿy,am;sjrhd uyr.u fmd,sishg l< meñ‚,a,la wkqj ielldr hqj< w;awvx.=jg f.k ;snQ w;r tu oeßh fmd,sish fj; m%ldYhla ,ndfoñka mjid we;af;a bl=;a 19 Èk fmrjrefõ ;u mdif,a by< mka;shl wOHdmkh ,nk ish wlaldo iuÕ mdi,g meñ‚ nj;a" wlald mka;shg .sh miq weh wehf.a mka;shg hEug iQodkï jQ wjia:dfõ mdi, bÈßmsg§ mka;sfha wehf.a fyd|u ys;j;shf.a ;d;a;d" wïud yd u,a,s yuqjQ nj;a" Tjqka ;udg mdi,g hEug bv fkd§ ;%sfrdao r:hl oudf.k Tjqkaf.a /f.k .sh nj;ah'

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