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f,dj Wiu isria WoHdkh 
Y%S ,xldfjka

2016 wfma%,a ui jev wjika lsÍfuka miq uy,a 50lska iukaú; Clearpoint Residencies f.dvke.s,a, Y%S ,xldfõ Wiu isria w;g ;ekQ WoHdk uy,a ksjdi ixlS¾Kh njg m;a jkq we;'

,xldfõ m%:u OrKSh uy,a f.dvke.s,a, f,i bÈ lrkq ,nk fuys we;s iqúfYaISu ,laIKh jkafka tys ndysr m%foaYh wU we;=¿ fjk;a Ydlj,ska iukaú; uÆj,ska w,xldr lr ;sìuhs' fufia Ydl jjk ,o f.dvke.s,a‍f,a msg m%foaYh iDcq iQ¾h rYañfhka th wdrlaId lrkq we;s ksid tys WIaK;ajh md,kh lsÍug;a kejqï jd;dY%h ta ;=<g f.k taug;a fï u.ska uy.= iyfhda.hla jkq we;'

fuh Milroy Perera Associates iy Maga Engineering hk iud.ï w;r taldnoaO jHdmD;shla f,i t<soelaùug kshñ;h' Y%S ,xldfõ m%uqL;u uQ¾; foam< oajdr Lamudi uE;l § fuys ixj¾Olhka iu. .súiqulg t<eô w;r tys m%;sM,hla f,i Clearpoint Residencies ys foam< ish fjí wvúhg

we;=<;a lsÍu isÿ úh' fï wkqj ldur fofla uy,a ksjdij, isg wê iqfndamfNda.S Wm .Dy olajd úysfok foam< /ila Lamudi Sri Lanka Tiafia keröug wjia:dj Wodfjhs'

.Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS Milroy Perera uy;d úiska idïm%odhsl i|Æ;, fjkqjg fndfyda bv myiqlïj,ska iukaú; t<suyka uÆ ks¾udKh lsÍfï l%uhla fuu f.dvke.s,a, i|yd fhdodf.k we;' fuh oeä iQ¾h rYañfhka wdrlaId lsÍug;a isis,ila ,nd §ug;a wruqKq lr .;a wU Ydl frdamKh lsÍu" fuu uÆ jgd isÿlr we;s whqre oel .; yelsh' fuu Ydl u.ska wjg mßirhg fijk i,id §u muKla fkdj jd;h msßisÿ lsÍu yd Yío ndOlhla f,i l%shd lsÍu;a isÿlrkq we;' óg wu;rj fuys ksjeishka yg ;uka leue;s Ydlhla frdamKh lr .ekSu i|yd;a bvlv o fjkalrjd § we;'

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