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rkacka rdukdhl újdy fkdùug fya;=j ìßh ¥IKhù uefrkakg bv we;s ksid

±ka 51 yeúßÈ úfha miqjk ckm%sh iskud k¿ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S rkacka rdukdhl ;ju wújdylh' Tyq lsisod újdy fkdjk nj wjia:d lsysmhlu meyeÈ,s lr we;s w;r isri kd,sldfõ ksjqia ,hska úfYaIdx.hg tlaù Tyq Bfha lshd isáfha ;ud újdy fkdù isákafka ;ud újdy jqfjd;a ìßhj ¥IKh lr urd ±óug
fyda orejkaj biaiSug fï ;lalä wdKavqj l%shd lrkakg bv we;s ksid njhs'
Tyq ta .ek lshd isá wdldrh my; mßÈh'

zvâ,s fiakdkdhl wid¾:l ñksfylao'' wíÿ,a l,dï wid¾:l ñksfylao'' kf¾kaø fudaÈ wid¾:l ñksfylao''' fhaiqia jykafia wid¾:l ñksfylao'''' fï jf.a ;lalä

taldêm;s rchla hgf;a mjq,la mkai,la jqfkd;a wksjd¾fhkau uf.a orejkaj Wiaikjd' uf.a jhs*aj í,elafï,a lrkjd" isr.; lrkjd' ÿIKh lr,d urkak;a bv ;sfhkjd' b;ska wms urK jfrka;= wf;a ;shka bkak wh yeáhg ta jf.a foaj,a lrkak nE''
uf.a wlal;a ug TiafÜ%,shdfõ b|,d <`.È flda,a lr,d lsõjd' pQá lsh,d ug l;d lrkafka' pQá wehs Thd fufyu ÿla ú¢kafka' Thd l;d lrmq úch l=udr;=x. ududg;a T¿jg fjä ;sínd' wehs Thd wks;a wh jf.a fldaá 35 la wrf.k TiafÜ%,shdjg tkafka ke;af; lsh,d''Z

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