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,xldfõ ksIamdokh lrk wê iqfLdamfNda.S fudag¾ r:hla

oekg f,dalfha by, jákdlula we;s jdyk jk ,eïfnd.sks" f*rdß" nq.dá jeks jdyk w;rg ,xldfõ ksIamdokh lrkq ,nk fudag¾ r:hlao tlaùug kshñ; nj jd¾;d fõ'

fõ.d kï fuu fudag¾ r:h t<fUk foieïn¾ ui 12 jkod fj<|fmd,g ,laI 3000 l ñ,lg ksl=;a ùug kshñ; fõ'

ixpdrl iud.ï i|yd uDÿldx. ksIamdokh lrk tx.,ka;fha g%ej,a fid*aÜfõhd¾ kï uõ iud.fï ;j;a iud.ula f,iska lghq;= lrk fldaâfcka iud.u úiska iqmsß ,fõ.d, kï fudag¾ r:fha ksIamdok lghq;= isÿlrhs'

ta i|yd Y%S ,xldfõka neyerj úfoaY rgj,g fiajh iemhQ Y%S ,dxlsl uydpd¾hjre" wdpd¾hjre" mß.Kl yd uDÿldx. bxðfkarejre" ;dlaIKsl Ys,amSka furgg f.kajdf.k Tjqkg wjYH ishÆ myiqlï ,nd § we;af;a fld<U" urodfka fkdf,aÊ mdla NQñfha kùlrkh lrk ,o merKs g%sfmda,s f.dvke.s,a, ;=<§h'

fuu fudag¾ r:h iïmq¾Kfhka bf,lafg%dksl fudag¾ r:hla jk w;r fudag¾ r:fha n| ldnka *hsn¾ fhdoñka ksIamdokh lrkq ,nk nj jd¾;d fõ' fuu jHdmD;sh i|yd bkafg,a iud.fï fiajh l, Y%S ,dxlslfhl=o tlaj ;sfí' fuu fudag¾ r:h weKjqï i|yd muKla ,nd§ug lghq;=lrkq nj jd¾;d fõ'

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