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Wodß wdfh;a ijq;a;=fjhs

Tfv,a we÷ï idmamqfjka we÷ï fidrlï lf<a hehs jk fpdaokdjla ksid ld,fha ldf.a;a jmr weyeg yiqj isá Wodß o¾Yk ;,hlg weh f.kdj lEu u,a,la ksid h<s;a wmyiq;djhg ,lajQ jQ njla jd¾;d fõ'

weh fufia ijq;a;=ù we;af;a ‘wdor oEila’fg,sfha o¾Yk ;,hl§h'

wñ," ldúx." pkaÈl jf.a wh tu fg,sfha o¾Yk ;,hg meñfKk úg whsia l%Sï" ud¿ nksia jf.a foa ks;r f.k tau idudkH isß;la nj mejfia'

wod, ld¾h ÿgq  Wodß ;udo Èkl fudkjdyß lEug /f.k tk nj tys isá wh;a iuÕ mjid ;sfí'

B<Õ Èkfha Wodß u,a,l odf.k hd¿jkag lkak fohla /f.k ú;a ;sfí'

weh fufia  u,a,la mqrjd /f.kú;a we;af;a  remsh,a fofla whsia melÜ nj mejfia'

tfia Wodß f.kd whsia melÜ lsisjl= ld fkdue;s w;r fï ldrKdj ksid Wodß iïmQ¾K Èkfhau uQK t,a,df.k isá nj jd¾;d fõ'

yji hoa§ Wodß whsia  melÜ .Kka lr n,d we;s w;r weh lE tl wefrkak ljqrej;a whs melÜ ld fkd;snqK nj o¾Yk ;,fhka wmg ,efnk wdrxÑ wkqj jd¾;d fõ'

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