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bÕ iqÕ ñáka .;yels ird.sksh 

27 yeúßÈ wefußldkq cd;sl fl,S ,S äflahs l,lg by; b;d ;rndre ldka;djls' kuq;a weh oeka  uk n|kd iq¨‍ bÕla iy ÿgqjka is;a mskjk wldrfha mq¨‍,a jq Wl=,a m%foaYhla we;a;shls' flfia kuq;a weh úiska ;ukaf.a fuu fjkig fya;=j trg udOH fj; fy<s lr we;'

fl,Sf.a  bfÕa m%udKh wÕ,a 16la jk w;r wehf.a Wl=, yd <efuys úYd,;ajh Bg fo.=Khlg jvd jeäh'wehg fufia isyska jq bÕla ;uka fj; ,nd .eksu ms<sn|j wdYdjla we;sj we;af;a l=vd l< isg ;uka kerUq ldgqka Ñ;%mg iy Ñ;% l;dj, isák ldka;d pß; ms<sn| ;snq wdl¾IKh ksid nj weh udOHh fj; mjid we;'

flfia kuq;a l=vd l< isg ú,dis;d wkqlrKhg fnfyúka we¨‍ïl, weh ;ukaf.a bÕ isyska lr .ekSu i|yd fhdod f.k we;af;a tlu tl Wml%uhls' tkï fndfyda ldka;djka ;ukaf.a úYd, m%udKfha ;djld,slj bÕ isyskaf,i fmksúug w¢kq ,nk n| m<okd máhls' Ⱦ> ld,hla uq¨‍,af,ys th ksrka;rfhka we| isáu weh ;ukaf.a isyska bÕ isyskh h:d¾;hla lr .eksug bjy,a jq nj jeäÿrg;a udOH fj; mjid we;

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