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;Kayd  r;S r.d  neÆju ys;g oekqfka tl fohhs ) mska isoaO fjkjd ksf,akao% (video)

r;S r.d ' fï Èkj, B'ta'mS uKa,fha ;sr.; fjk ksf,kao%f.a wÆ;au iskudmghhs'fï Ñ;%mgh uq,skau n,mq ojfia;a"fld<U wka;¾cd;sl iskudWf<f,a ;Kayd r;S r.d yS fmda,Su oelal ojfi;a we;a;gu ys;g oeKqk tl fohla ;snqKd''mska isoaO fjkjd ksf,akao%…ys; lsõfõ Th jpk ál ú;ruhs'we;a;gu ÿmam;a iskudjla ysñ wms"we;a;gu lkafimaÜ w;ska ÿmam;a ke lsh,d ksf,akao% fyd|gu fmkak, §,d ;sfhkjd'

wms fuÉpr ld,hla n‍,df.k ysgmq iskudfõ fofjks .uk ;Kayd r;S r.d yskaod wdhsu;a isÿfjsù'wmsg ,efnk m%;spdr"ÿrl;k weu;=ï ux l,ska lsõj foag fyd|u ksoiqka'we;a;gu wmsg oeka wfmau lsh,d iskudjla ;sfhkjd lsh,d lg wer,d lshkak mq¿jka'fï Ñ;%mgh ;du;a Th f.d,af,da n,,d ke;a;kï fï i;sfhau <Ûu ;sfhk B'ta'mS fyda,a tlg"f.or bkak yefudauj;a weoka .syska krUkak'krU,d wmsg l;d lr,d Ñ;%mgh fldfyduo lsh,;a lshkak''

) ljg lï fldrkd flúg

fï ;sfhkafka Ñ;%mgfha wÆ;au mq¾j m%pdrlmg we;=,;a o¾Yk fm,la'

TRR- Comedy Trailer 30sec from Thanha Rathi Ranga on Vimeo.
TRR- Action Trailer from Thanha Rathi Ranga on Vimeo.
TRR- Family Trailer 30sec from Thanha Rathi Ranga on Vimeo.
ප්‍රේක්ෂක අදහස්
Jackson Anthony- from Thanha Rathi Ranga on Vimeo.
Amila Nadeeshani from Thanha Rathi Ranga on Vimeo.

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