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ksf,akao% foaYm%sh f.a ;Kayd  r;S r.d Tlaf;dan¾ 17  isg  E.A.P  uKav,fha iskudy,aj, (video)

ksf,akao% foaYm%sh kï widyh ks¾udKlrejdf.a l=¿ÿ,a iskudmgh ;Kayd r;S r.d fï ui 17 jk od mgka B'ta'mS uKav,fha ;sr.; lSßug wjYH ishÆ lghq;= fï jk úg;a iqodkï' od wjika fld<U wka;¾cd;sl iskud Wf<f,a m%o¾Ykh jq fuu iskudmgh foia úfoia fma%laIlhdf.a meiiqug Ndckh jq iskudmghla jqKd'tu wjia:dfõ oeä ck;d wdl¾IKhla Èkd.;a fuu iskudmgh furg iskud jxY l;dfõ yerjqï ,laIhla jkq we;s njg we;uqka u; m, lr isáhd'

l=udr ;sßudÿr"ir;a fld;,dj,"iy kdu,a chisxy m%Odk Nqñld fydnjk fuu iskudmgh ir;a fld;,dj, yd l=udr ;sßudÿrf.a ;sr rpkhla'ckjd¾.sl w¾nqoh ksid l,la w;ayer oud ;ykï lr ;snQ m%foaYhl ixpdrfha fhfok ñ;=rka ;sfofkl= jgd Èfjk fuu iskudmgh ;j fkdfnda Èklska Tfí iskudy,g;a meñfKkq we;'

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