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fg,s ks<sh ,laI 6la jxpd lr,d

ldka;djlaf.ka remsh,a yh,la‍I úisoyil uqo,la jxpd l< njg .,alsiai wêlrKfha§ jro ms<sf.k uqo,a f.ùug fmdfrdkaÿ jQ fg,skdgH ks<shla .,alsiai ufyia;%d;a yd w;sf¾l Èid úksiqre rx.Ôj úu,fiak uy;d remsh,a ,la‍I my ne.ska YÍr wem folla u; uqod yeÍug ksfhda. lf<ah'wixld kfhdaó chisxy kue;s fg,skdgH ks<shla fufia wemu; uqod yeß‚'

ielldßh r;au,dk m%foaYfha mÈxÑ ldka;djlaf.ka remsh,a yh,la‍I úisoyil uqo,la jxpd l< njg .,alsiai fmd,sishg lrk ,o meñ‚,a,lg wkqj ielldßh wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lr ;sì‚'

meñ‚,a, le|jQ wjia:dfõ ielldr fg,skdgH ks<sh fjkqfjka fmkS isá kS;s{ w;=, rk., uy;d ielldßh úiska ,nd.;a uqo, f.ùug fmdfrdkaÿ jk nj mejiSh'ta wkqj ufyia;%d;ajrhd ielldßh wemu; uqod yßñka ,nk ui 04 Èk kvqj h<s le|ùug ksfhda. lf<ah'

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