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 uyd cdjdrul fl%äÜ ldÙ ysñhka yQrdf.k lhs
Khm;a fmd,S widOdrK nexl= j,g jev jrÈk yev

Y%S ,xldfõ fï jkúg Kh fmd,S wkqmd; ;sfnkafka jd¾;d.; my<u ;;a;ajfha jqjo Khm;a ^Credit cards& j,g iuyr nexl= úiska ;ju;a oejeka; fmd,S wkqmd; widOdrK whqßka whlrk nj fkdryils'

wm l< iólaIKfhka wkdjrKh jQfha iuyr nexl= úiska ;ju;a Khm;a i|yd ishhg 24 la ;rï by< fmd,S wkqmd; .kqfokq lrejkaf.ka whlrñka isák njhs'

Khm;a fmd,S wkqmd; ;jÿrg;a wvqlsÍug neßo @

ksjdi Kh fmd,S wkqmd; ;rugu Khm;a j, fmd,S wkqmd; wvqlsÍug fkdyelsh' tfia jkafka .kqfokq lrejkag wjYH kï Èk 45 la olajd lsisÿ fmd,shla fkdue;sj Khm;a Ndú;d lsÍug yels ùuhs' ksis mßÈ uqo,a mshjkafka kï Èk 45 la olajd Khm;a i|yd fmd,S wkqmd;hla fkdue;' fï ksid" Khm;a ;=<ska ,ndfok uqo,a

 i|yd nexl=jg by< msßjehla ;sfí'

fï ksid" ´kEu rgl Khm;a i|yd whlrk fmd,S wkqmd;h ksjdi Kh iy wksl=;a Kh i|yd whlrk fmd,S wkqmd; j,g jvd jeäh'

kuq;a" furg we;eï nexl= úiska Khm;a i|yd ishhg 24 la ;rï by< fmd,S wkqmd;hla mj;sk fmd,S jd;djrKh u; whlsÍu widOdrKhls'

wm iu. woyia oelajQ wd¾:sl úYaf,aIlfhl= mejiqfõ ksjdi Kh fmd,sh ishhg 11 la ;rï uÜgul ;sfnk fï wjia:dfõ§ Khm;a i|yd ishhg 16 l uÜgfï fmd,shla nexl= j,g wh lsÍu l< yels njhs'

fï jkúg;a" we;eï nexl= úiska ishhg 16 l fmd,S wkqmd;hg Khm;a ksl=;a lsÍu isÿlrk ksid jeä fmd,S wkqmd;hla whlrk nexl= j,g kqÿf¾§u tu uÜgug Khm;aj, fmd,S wkqmd; wvqlsÍug isÿjkq we;ehs fyf;u úYajdih m< lf<ah'

fkdue;s kï jeä fmd,shla whlrk nexl=j, Khm;a jHdmdßl lghq;= wvd,jkq we;ehs fyf;u jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

Y%S ,xld uy nexl=j úiska ish m%;sm;a;s fmd,S wkqmd; my< ouñka furg fmd,S wkqmd; my< oeóug lghq;= l< w;r jdKsc nexl= j,g ;jÿrg;a fmd,S wkqmd; wvqlsÍfï yelshdjla we;ehs uy nexl=j i|yka lr we;'

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