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mQcdf.a fmïj;d
ksrEmK Ys,amS §mla

m%lg ks<s mQcd WuYxl¾f.a újdyh ms<sn| lghq;= fuu jir w.§ ,l,Eia;s jk w;f¾ wef.a fmïj;d ljqrekao hk ryi ±ka t<sù ;sfnkjd'
Tyq m%lg ksrEmK Ys,amsfhl= yd ú,dis;d PdhdrEm Ys,amsfhl= jk §mla Ikauq.kdokah' Y%S ,dxlsl øúv ;reKfhl=jQ Tyq yd mQcd w;r iïnkaOh ld,hl mgka

lafIa;%fha whg ryila fkdjqK w;r ú,dis;d ±lauj,a" rEm

 /ðKs ;r. wdÈhg iyNd.S fjoa§ mQcd Tyq legqj fndfyda wjia:dj, f.dia we;af;a m%isoaêfhah'

kuq;a ld,h mqrd m%pdrhla mej;=fka mQcd yd ckm%sh k¿ frdIdka rKjk w;r iïnkaOhla we;s njghs'
fofokdu fuu lgl;d m%;slafIam lr ;snqK ld,fha mQcd lshd isáfha ;ud fmïjf;l= fidhñka isák nj;a wef.a uj ta .ek jofjk nj;ah' 
§mla iu. mQcdf.a wdorh f.dvke.=fka fï w;rhs' m%lg ksrEmK Ys,amsfhl= jk §mla we;eï ú,dis;d ;r. úksYaphka i|ydo iyNd.S jk w;r Tyq ú,dis;d PdhdrEmlrKhgo fhduqj isà'
mQcd yd §mla w;r újdy .súi .ekSfï W;aijh ,nk fkdjeïn¾ ui fld<U m%foaYfha§ isÿ lrkakg kshñ;h'

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