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fldaám;shd <s|g mekakdo@ oeuqjdo@

remsh,a fldaá folyudrl f,d;/hs jdikdjla ysñjQ .,a.uqj" jegl=¿jd.u m%foaYfha jhi wjqreÿ 38l mqoa.,fhl= j.d <s|lg jeà ñhhdu iïnkaOfhka fmd,Sish mÍlaIKhla wdrïN lr ;sfí'

Bfha rd;%S 10g muK fuh isÿj we;s nj wm jd¾;dlre lshhs'

fudyq <s|g jegqKdo" tfia;a ke;skï <s|g weo oeuqjdo hkak fmd,sisfha oeä wjOdkh fhduqj we;'

udi .Kkdjlg by;§ f,d;/hs jdikdj ysñùfuka miq fudyq Èkm;du u;ameka mdkhg weíneys ù we;s nj;a" tlaore msfhl= jk fudyqf.a ìßh fudyq yeroud f.dia we;s nj;a" wm jd¾;dlre lshhs'

u;amekg f,d,a jQ fulS mqoa.,hd ‍Bfha rd;%sfh;a hy¿jka lsysm fofkl= iu. tlaj u;ameka mdkh lr we;s njo" f,d;/hsfhka ysñjQ uqo, u;ameka mdkh lr úkdY jQ miq ;j;a whg Khldrfhl= njg m;aj we;s njlao lshefjhs'

flfia fyda iqks,a Èidkdhl keue;s fuu mqoa.,hdf.a urKh ieliys; nj {d;Ska fmd,Sishg m%ldY lr ;sfí'

ksjfia isg óg¾ 100la muK wE;ska msysá j.d <s|lg jeà isá fuu mqoa.,hd f.dvg .ekSu i|yd tys j;=r ysia lrk whqre Pdhd rEm fm<ska oelafjhs'

Pdhd rE - ixÔj r;akdhl

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