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;reKshl wk;=rlg uqyqKÈ ñ wkqfjoksh mqj;la ñ.uqfjka

ish fmñj;d fjk;a ;reKshl yd wjkay,l l;dny lrñka isákq ÿgq tu ;reKhdf.a fmñj;sh ;reKhd iu. we;s lr.;a wdrjq,lska miq ßh wk;=rlg uqyqKÈ ñ wkqfjoksh mqj;la wmg ñ.uqfjka jd¾;d fjkjd' ish fmñj;shf.a yÈis wk;=frka msvkhg m;a ;rekhd ffjoHjre bÈß msg ;udf.a ishÆ fo úl=Kd oud fyd ;u fmñj;sh fnrd.kakd njg mjid we; '

wod, fudfydf;aÈ ;ud ish fmñj;sh tk;=re wod, wjkay,g ú isá nj;a tysÈ ;udf.a ;=vd l, mgka okakd yÿkk ñ;=ßhl fndfydl,lg miq ÿgq nj;a  weh;a iu, l;d ny isÿ lrñka isákd úg ish fmñj;sh meñks nj;a t wjia;dfjs jerÈ jegysulg m;a ish fmñj;sh ;ud yd wdrjq,la we;slrf.k wjkayf,aka msgú l,n,fhaka mdr udrejk úg jeka ßhl .egqkq nj;a 20 yejrÈ fmñj;d mjiis wod, isÿúfus úäfhdj my;ska keröH yel'

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