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"fldf,dïnQia" l:d ud,dfõ uqyqr;a Wf<,

w.k.rfha ;sfhk lefrdfl la,í tlla iy l=vd ix.S; lKavdhula jgd fldf,dïnQia l:dj f.;S we;' lefrdfl tfla isák iqf,aLdg tys DJ lrk liqka wdorh lrhs fï w;r iqf,aLd okakd y÷qkk l=vd ix.S; lKavdhula lefrdfl la,í tlg fiÜ fjhs nEkaâ tfla isák wix. iqf,aLdg wdorh lrkak mgka .kS iqf,aLd liqka wix. ;=ka fldka fma%uh jgd fn,a, iqÿ ke;s fld<U lmqgkaf.a l;kaorh fldf,dïnQia È.yef¾

tys ;sr rpkfhka ;sir bUq,dk ksIamdokfhka pkak iurixy iy wOHCIKfhka ufyaJo% fmf¾rd odhl jk w;r fuu fg,s kdglh i|yd odhl jk k¨ ks,s le, ufyaJo% fmf¾rd f.a l,dfrda kdgH yd rx. l,d wdh;kfha isiq isiqúhka fõ m%Odk pß; lSmhla Èjhsfka m%isoaO l,d lrejka iy l,dldßhka lsysmfofkl= odhl jk w;r iïnkaëlrKfhka m%ùk k¨ ixch fjowdrÉÑ odhl fõ

fldf,dïnQia l:d ud,dfõ uqyqr;a Wf<, b;du;a pdï wkaoñka 2014$10$23 jk Èk meje;aõks

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