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uqyqog jegqKq hdkhla jir 71g miq fidhd .kS  (Photos)

l,al=vd fjr<g lsf,da ógr 10la muK wE; uqyqÈka fojeks f,dal hqoaOfha § uqyqfoa .s,S .sh lg,skd keue;s .=jka hdkhla fidhd.;a nj uqyqÿ mqrdjia;= .fõIKfha fhfok o¾Yk chj¾Ok uy;d mjihs' 2013 j¾Ifha jika; kue;s ëjrhl=f.a oe,g meg,S wd weÆñkshï ;yvq lene,a,la fya;=fjka tu m%foaYfha lrk ,o .fõIKhl § .sÆKq hdkh fidhd.; yelsù we;'
o¾Yk chj¾Ok uy;d mjikafka hdkfha tkaðka folla" wjr fm;s folla mshdm; yd nfËys fldgia lsysmhla uqyqÿ m;af,a olakg ,efnk njhs'tajd msysgd we;af;a uqyqÿ c, uÜgfï isg ógr 42la .eUqßks'

chj¾Ok uy;d lrk ,o .fõIKfhka fidhd.; yels ù we;af;a 1943 foieïn¾ 09 od ñkafkaßh .=jka yuqod l|jqf¾ isg .=jka.; jQ leg,skd j¾.fha hdkhla .=jka.; ù meh tlyudrlg miq tla tkaðula wl%shùu fya;=fjka h<s meñK we;s njhs' fï hdkh ;jÿrg;a mshdir lsÍu wmyiqùu fya;=fjka wdmiq yrjd meñK we;' h<s tk .ufka § hdkh mshdir lrúh fkdyels neúka yÈisfha u f.dvniajd we;ehs o tys isá .=jkayuqod fin¿ 11 fokd Èú.,jd.;a nj o merKs yuqod f,aLKj, oelafõ'
tu hdkh uqyqfoa .s,S f.dia we;af;a ;%sl=Kdu,h jrdfha isg lsf,da ógr 80la ol=Kskska l,al=vd wdikakfhah' .s, ia:dkh;a hdkfha iajNdh;a wkqj o¾Yk chj¾Ok uy;d úiska fidhd.;a hdkh tod yÈisfha u f.dvneiaijQ hdkh nj ;yjqre lrf.k we;'
b;d w,xldr u;afiHhda /ila fï hdkh .s,S we;s ia:dkh yd ta wjg Ôj;a fj;s' l,al=vd fjr< wdikakfha .s,S .sh hdkh iïnkaO m%pdrhla ,nd§fuka th ixpdrl l¾udka;h m%j¾Okh i|yd myiqfjka fhdod.; yelsfõ hehs chj¾Ok uy;d jeäÿrg;a fmkajdfohs'

,xld§m mqj;am;​

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