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 f*aia nqla m%Odkshd 
yjdhs ¥m;a
fjr< ;Srhla ñ,g .kS

f,dalfha 14 jeks Okj;d yeáhg ie,flk we'fvd'ì,shk 32'5 l j;alu we;s f*aianqla ks¾ud;D 30 yeúßÈ ud¾la Iql¾n¾.a ish mqoa.,sl mßyrKh msKsi yjdhs ¥m;l fldgila ñ,g f.k we;'
yjdhs ¥m;ays isõjeks úYd,;u uqyqÿ fjr< ;Srh jk ljqjdhsys wlalr 700 l N+ñ fldgila Tyq ñ,g f.k we;af;a fvd,¾ ñ,shk 100la jehlrñks' fuu N+ñfha wvla muK iqm%lg ms,d fjr< " m%siaàka iqÿ je,s fjr< we;=<;a w;r b;sß ìï w¾Oh 

úúO j.djkaf.ka hqla;h'
ud¾la Iql¾n¾.a yd ìßh m%sIs,d ydjdhsys W;=re fldgfia msysá fuu iqkaor fjr< ;Srhg b;d wdid l, w;r Tjqka ksrka;rfhka tys ksjdvqjg tk nj;a jd¾;d jqKd' fï olajd ms,d fjr<

fldgfia whs;sh ysñj ;snqfka ðï *q.¾ kue;s fydkavd iud.fï tacka;fhl=gh' Iql¾n¾.af.a .kqfokqjg Tyq leu;sù th úl=Kd oud we;'flfia fj;;a Iql¾n¾.ag tu ms,d fjr< iïmQ¾Kfhkau ñ,g .kakg neßj .sfha tys ;j;a fldgila ysñ fvkaj¾ f;,a yd .Eia iud.fï iagqj¾Ü .eÍ ñ, .Kka biaiQ ksidh'ta ksid Iql¾n¾.ag fldgilska iEysulg m;ajkakg isÿj we;'
fuu fjr< fldgi ;ukag iy mjqf,a whg úfõlfhka .; lsÍu i|yd fjkalrk nj ud¾la Iql¾n¾.a ñ;=rkag mjid we;' kuq;a udOHj, fuu .kqfokqj .ek m<jk foa iïnkaOfhka ks, jYfhka lsisjla m%ldY lrkakg f*aia nqla iud.u leue;a; m<lr ke;'
fï w;rjdrfha fï Èkj, jHikhla njg m;aj we;s tfnda,d ffjria wdidokh iïnkaO m%;sldr m¾fhaIK wruqo, fjkqfjka Iql¾n¾.a yd ìßh fvd,¾ ñ,shk 25 l úYd, Ok mß;Hd.hlao lr we;s nj i;sfha jd¾;dù ;snqKd'

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