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ud,l is,ajd hq.Èúhg

uyck iïnkaO;d wud;H u¾úka is,ajd uy;df.a mq;a ud,l is,ajd uy;d i;s wka;fha § hq.Èúhg t<U we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'Tyq fufia hq.Èúhg t<U we;af;a brdkfha bIa*dka k.rfha§h'

Tyqf.a w;.;a ukd,sh ù we;af;a È.= l,la Tyqf.a fmïj;sh jQ brdk cd;sl W¾*d kï jQ ;re‚h nj mejfia'ud,l - W¾*d ux.f,da;aijh i|yd iyNd.s ùug u¾úka is,ajd wud;Hjrhd we;=¿ mjqf,a msßi brdkfha bIa*dka k.rhg f.dia we;s njo fï w;r jd¾;d fõ'mjqf,a Woúh yereKqfldg újdy ux.,H i|yd u¾úka is,ajd wud;Hjrhd wdrdOkd lr we;af;a Tyqf.a ióm;u ys;j;=ka mia fofkl=g muKla njo udOH jd¾;d lr we;'

brdkfha bIa*dka k.rfha Okj;a mjq,lska mej; tk W¾*d fukúh ud,l is,ajdg yuqù we;af;a vqndhs ys ;Srenÿ rys; idmamq ixlS¾Khl idmamq ijdßhl fh§ isáh§h'

ud,l is,ajdg ld,fha§ foia úfoia fmïj;shka /ila isá njo mejfia'

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