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fld,aÆmsáfha cq,shdkd fydag,fha iïNdyk uOHia:dkh kej;;a jev mgka .kS

 fld<U fld,aÆmsáfha cQ,shdkd fydag,fha ;=kajeks uyf,a J SPA kñka ;dhs iïndyk wdh;khla uqjdfjka mj;ajdf.k iqmsß iïndyk iy .Ksld ksjdihla mdkÿr j,dk úfYaI tallh úiska ​miq.shod jg,kq ,eîh'​ fuu jeg,Sfuka wk;=rej tu iïNdyk wdh;khg meñKs ù'whs'mS mqoa.,hka iïnkaOjo fmd,sish mÍlaIK fldg ;snqKs' fuys l<ukdlre l,la iÛjd isáho miqj Tyq wem u; uqodyer ;snqKs' fiajdj ,nd.ekSu i|yd tla .Kfokqlrefjl=f.ka remsh,a 5000 isg uqo,a whfldg ;snqk;a tu ;dhs ldka;djka i|yd udihla i|yd jegqm f,i ,nd§ ;snqfka remsh,a 4500 ls' wm​ fj; jd¾;djk mßÈ fuu iïNdyk wdh;kh kej;;a wdrïN fldg we;s w;r fmr mj;S .Kka j,gu iïNdykh ,ndfok nj jd¾;d fõ' fujr tys we;s úfYaI;ajh jkafka iïNdyk ldurfha fodr újrj mej;Su muKs'

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