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ch,,s;d chrdïg wem ,efnhs

;ñ,akdvqfõ ysgmq uy weu;skS ch,,s;d chrdïg
wo oyj,a bka§h fYa%IaGdêlrKh wem kshu lrkq ,enqjd'
ñka Èk 21 lg fmr ¥IK fpdaokd hgf;a isõ wjqreÿ isr o~qjula kshu lrñka ch,,s;dchrdï nkaOkd.dr.; lsÍfuka wk;=rej wjia:d 2 l§ isÿ l< b,a,Sï

 j,§ l¾Kdgl uydêlrKfhka wem§u m%;slafIam lr ;snqK w;r Bg
tfrysj tu ;Skaÿj wNsfhda.hg ,la lrñka bka§h fYaIaGdêlrKhg wef.a kS;S{jreka f.dkq l< fm;aiu wo i,ld ne,Sfuka wk;=rej wehg wem ,nd§ we;'
flfia fj;;a wehg fuu kvqfjka ks¾fodaISNdjh ,eî ke;s w;r trg kS;sh wkqj thska ksfodia fkdjqfKd;a weh ksoyi ,enqK;a foaYmd,khg msúiSug ;j;a wjqreÿ 10 la n,disàug isÿjkq we;'
ch,,s;dg wem ,efnkf;la isr.;j isá i;s ;=kg muKla weh ksid ñ .Kk 150 lg wêlh'

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