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˜‍kekaoïudf.ka ÿj b,a,k w¨‍;au úÈhla wka;¾cd,fha˜‍^ùäfhdaj&

wfma fld,af,d iEfyk lÜgla ld,d" ú¢kak ´ks ÿla Tlafldu ú|,d ;uka wdof¾ lrk" ys; .sh ;ek ud, y|kak mq¨‍jka lsh,d ys;=Kq fl,a,j fldfydu yß fiÜ lr.kakjd' fokakd b;ska fiÜ fj,d wdofrka bkakfldg Tkak tkjd f,dl+ wjq,la' ta ;uhs kekaoïud'

w¨‍;ska lshkak fohla kEfka keoaoïudf.a nr nf¾ yskaod fudl=;a lr.kak nE" fl,a,;a b;ska wïud lshk foa wyk ksid mK odf.k ,õ lrmq fld,a,dg m%Yak frd;a;lg uQK fokak fjkjd' fudkjd lrkako fiÜ lr.kak lÜg lEj tfla kekaoïud fYama lr.kak tl;a uyf,dl= f.aulao lsh,d fld,a,d jevg nyskjd'

wkak ta úÈhg fl,af,lag ;ukaf.a wdof¾ .ek kekaoïud biairyu lshk fld,af,da fiÜ tllf.a wuq;=u ùäfhdajla fï ojiaj, wka;¾cd,h mqrdu yqjudrefjkjd''

ljqre;a wdof¾ lrmq wdYslS 2 Ñ;%mgfha ckm%sh .S;hl ;kqjlg ;uhs fï lÜáh jefâ lr,d ;sfhkafka' weyqj.uka iskaÿjkï óg¾ fjhs' wy,u n,kak'

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