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yrEka ,ka;%d uy;df.a ksjiska
remsh,a ye;a;Eoyila fld,a,lhs

yreka ,ka;%d wjika .ukg tl;= lrmq re'70"000;a fld,a,ld,d

fï jk úg frda.d;=rj isák m%ùK .dhk Ys,amS yrEka ,ka;%d uy;df.a ksjig meñKs kd÷kk mqoa.,hska fofokl= iy tla ldka;djla úiska fld,a,lEula isÿ lr we;s nj jd¾;d fõ'

oyjf,a ksji msßisÿ lr §ug hehs mjiñka ksjig nf,ka we;=¿ jQ fuu lKavdhu ksjfia iEu ;eklau wjqiaid n,ñka
w,audß mjd weo ne¨ nj yrEka ,ka;%d uy;df.a ìß| mejeiQjdh'

ksjfia yÈis lghq;a;la fyda urKhla isÿ jqjfyd;a m%fhdackhg .ekSug ;nd ;snQ remsh,a ,laIhl uqo,ska remsh,a ye;a;Eoyila fuu lKavdhu fld,a, ld f.dia ;sfí'fï jk úg yrEka ,ka;%d uy;d l;d lr .ekSug mjd fkdyels ;;a;ajfhka frda.d;=rj isà' le,Ksh fmd,Sish fuu isÿùu ms<sn|j mÍlaIK mj;ajhs'

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