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hd,afoaù hdmk .uk

w¨;ska bÈlrk ,o hdmkh ÿïßh ia:dkh újD; lsÍu;a hd,afoaù ÿïßh kej; hdmkh olajd .uka lsÍu;a wo ckm;s;=udf.a m%Odk;ajfhka mej;s W;aijhlska miq isÿjqKd' Y%S ,xldfõ hqouh jd;djrKh mej;s iufha weKysá fï ÿïßh .uka kej; wdrïN lsÍu fou< ck;djg .uka ìuka myiqj msKsi fukau ,xldfõ cd;Ska w;r in|;d iúu;alsÍfï úfYaI wjia:djla jkjd'
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