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hdmfka weì;a;hka ksid udÜgqjQ f,dalfha
fldfyaj;a ke;s

fvd,¾ ñ,shfka fkdaÜgq cdjdru

fvd,¾ ñ,shkhl fkdaÜgqjla iuÕ hdmkfha m%Odk mkai,l weì;a;hka fofofkl= w;awvx.=jg m;ajQfha .sh i;sfhah' f,dalfha lsisu ;ekl Ndú;fha fkdue;s fvd,¾ ñ,shkfha fkdaÜgq ,xldfõ yqjudre lrk wh .ek fmd,sia mÍlaIK wdrïNjQfha ta wkqjhs'
Tjqka fuu fkdaÜgqj, ienE jákdlu fldaá .Kkla nj lshk w;r ,laI .Kklg .;a;;a mdvq kE lshñka úúO jHdmdßlhskag wf,ú lrkakg W;aidy lr ;snqKd'
idudkHfhka Ndú;fha mj;sk weußldkq fvd,¾ fkdaÜgq
w;r fvd,¾ 1"5"10"20"50 yd 100 muKla mj;S'

jHdc Ndú;h wffO¾h lsÍug fvd,¾ 100 g jeä fkdaÜgq  weußldfõ uqøKh fkdlrhs' ñka oYl y;l muK w;S;hl isg tajd uqøKh k;r lr we;'
1969 weußldfõ kslaika ckm;sjrhdf.a iufha f.k wd kS;shlska tf;la fvd,¾ ishhg jeä .Kka j,ska ^500"1000"10000"100000 jYfhka& mej;s fkdaÜgq nexl= u.ska tla/ialr Ndú;ho k;r lr we;' m%o¾Ykh i|yd iy iure jákdlï i|yd muKla we;eï

 wjia:dj, fvd,¾ ishhg jeä fkdaÜgq uqøKh l<o tajdfha uQ,H jákdlula ke;s w;r Ndú;h lsÍulao isÿ fkdfõ'

miq.shod hdmkfhka fidhd.;a fkdaÜgqfjka miq isÿ l< mÍlaIK wkqj wfußldfõ iure ;s<sKhla f,i ilia lr we;s fvd,¾ ñ,shkhl fkdaÜgq furg ;=< wf,ú lsÍfï cdjdrula l%shd;aul jk nj fmd,sish fidhdf.k ;sfnkjd'

fvd,¾ fkdaÜgq .ek lsisÿ wjfndaOhla ke;s msßia fuu cdjdrug ±kgu;a yiqj we;s njo fidhdf.k we;'

th lsisÿ jákdlulska f;dr neúka cdjdrïlrejkag yiqfkdjk f,i fmd,sish ck;djf.ka b,a,d isákjd' fuu cdjdrfï ksr;jQ mqoa.,hka y;rfofkl= fï jkúg w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s w;r lsisÿ uQ,Huh jákdlulska f;drjQ tu fvd,¾ ñ,shkfha fkdaÜgqj furg ;=< remsh,a ,laI follg wf,ú lr we;s nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd i|yka lr we;'

remsh,a fldaá oy ;=k yudrla muK jákd nj lshñka wefußldkq fvd,¾ ñ,shkhl nexl= fkdaÜgqjla iys;j isá hdmkfha m%Odk;u úydria:dkhl weì;a;hka fofofkl= w;a wvx.=jg f.k ;snqfka kdúl yuqodjhs' Tjqkaj fmd,sishg Ndr§fuka miq by; mÍlaIK isÿj ;snqKd'

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