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mäh jeäjQ i;=g ord.; fkdyelsj 
foore mshdf.a ,h me<S ñhhhs

§mjd,S W;aijh ojfia fndfyda rgj, fiajlhskag ;u iajdñhka úiska úúOdldrfha ikaf;dai §ukd m%odkh lrKq ,nhs' wm rfÜo §mjd,S W;aijh fjkqfjka fiajlhskag ikaf;daiu ,nd§u isÿlrkq ,nhs'
fï whqßka fm!oa.,sl j;a;l l=,S fiajhl, mqoa.,fhlag fï udifha l< fiajh fjkqfjka .dia;=f,i remsh,a 31"500l uqo,la tljr ,eî we;' fï uqo,a m%udKfhka oeä i;=g m;aj we;s wod,d mqoa.,hd th ord.; fkdyelsj ñhhEfï mqj;la l|fmd< m%foaYfhka jd¾;d fõ'

fi,ajrdÊ pkao%fuda.ï kue;s 35 yeúßÈ foore msfhla jk fudyq l|fmd<" f.da,aâmS,aj;a; mÈxÑlrejl= njhs jeäÿrg;a jd¾;d jkafka' óg fmr wod, mqoa.,hdg j;af;a jev lrk úg jegqma ,eî we;af;a i;sm;d jk w;r tljer jeä uqo,la ,nd fkdf.k §mjd,S W;aijh fjkqfjka tl;=jQ uqo,a yd j;=ysñhdf.a ikaf;daiuo tl;= jQ úg fï wdldrfhka remsh,a 31"500la ,eî we;'

fï uqo,a ,eîfï i;=g;a iu`. ksjig meñK we;s fudyq ìß|g remsh,a 30"000l uqo,la ,nd § we;s w;r wehg mjid we;af;a ksjig wjYH lrk nvq ndysr wdÈh /f.k tk f,ihs' th mjid ksjfia isg we;s mqoa.,hd miqj yDohdndOhlska ñhf.dia we;'

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