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ìßh rg hjd mshd ÿjg ;‘ §,d'''

myf<dia yeúßÈ ish jeäuy,a ÈhKsh flf<id .eìKshla l< mdm;r msfhl= jõkshdj fkdúisÿKq wmrdO úu¾Yk tallfha ks<Odßka úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí' fuu oeßh jhi wjqreÿ 15hs udi 04l nd, jhialdr isiqúhla jk w;r weh mdi,a hñka isáh§ l%u l%ufhka Worh j¾Okh ùu 
ksid úÿyf,a .=rejreka úiska ta ms<sn|j mjq,a fi!LH fiaúldjlg okajd we;s w;r weh oeßh mßlaIdjg ,lalsÍfï§ .eíf.k isák nj wkdjrKh lrf.k ;sfí' úkaÈ; oeßh udi lsysmh ;+<u mshd w;ska ¥IKhg ,laù fï jk úg orejd m%iQ; lsÍug iQodkñka isák njo fmd,Sish i|yka lrhs'

ÈhKsh ¥IKhg ,lal, njg fmd,Sishg meñKs,a,la ,eî we;s nj oek.;a ielldr mshd cQks ui isg m%foaYh w;yer m,df.dia isáh§ fmd,sia ks<Odßka isÿl< úu¾Yk j,ska Tyq ls,sfkdÉÑh fmdkak.¾ m%foaYfha ie.j isáoa§ w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí'

oeßhf.ka fmd,Sish isÿl< m%Yak lsÍï j,§ mjid we;af;a uj jir lsysmhla úfoaY.;j isák nj;a ;ukag nd, ifydaor ifydaoßhka ;sfofkl= isák njhs' ;uka mshd iu. weiqrla fkdmeje;ajqj fyd;a jhi wjqreÿ 04la muK jk ish ifydaorhdg wudkqIsl wkaoñka myr fok nj;a u,a,s myrlEug ,lajk whqre n,d isáh fkdyels ksid mshd iu. oeä wlue;af;ka weiqrla meje;ajQ nj weh fmd,Sishg mdfmdÉpdrKh lr ;sfí'

nqoaêl ufyaIa 


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