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f,d;/hs m;a fydrg ye¥ fud<lre y÷kd.kS'''

jdikd m;a fydrg uqo%Kh lr f,d;/hs wf,ú ksfhdað;hkag Èkqula‌ we;s nj lshd tlS f,d;/hs Èkqï m;aj,g uqo,a .kakd ixúOdkd;aul l,a,shl uy fud<lrejd .d,a, we,amsáh fmd,sisfha nqoaê wxY fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k fï jk úg fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍IK isÿ lrk nj" .d,a, we,amsáh fmd,sish mjihs'

wod< jdikdm;g Èkqula‌ ;sfnk nj mjid jHdc wxl iys; fydrg uqo%Kh lrk ,o jdikd m;a mqj;a m;a wf,ú ksfhdað;hkag ,nd § tlS Èkqug iudkj
Èkqfï we;s uqo,g iudkj" f,d;/hs m;a fï ixúOdkd;aul msßi f,d;/hs wf,ú ksfhdað;hkaf.ka ,ndf.k ;sfí'

.d,a," noafoa.u" wïn,kaf.dv" we,amsáh yd ;j;a .d,a, Èia‌;%sla‌lfha k.r /il fuu msßi jHdc f,d;/hs álÜ‌ m;a uqo%Kh lr wf,ú ksfhdaðh;hkag ,nd § uqo,a ,ndf.k ;sfí' fï ksid .d,a, Èia‌;%sla‌lfha f,d;/hs wf,ú ksfhdað;fhda úYd, msßila‌ wmyiq;djlg m;aj isá;s'

fï iïnkaOfhka udi .Kkdjla‌ ;=< isÿ l< fufyhqula‌ wjidkfha§ fï wdldrfha jHdc f,d;/hs m;a uqo%Kh lr wf,ú lrk uy fud<lrejd .d,a, we,amsáh wêlrKfha y÷kd .ekSfï fmrÜ‌gqjlg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miqj y÷kdf.k we;'

isoaêh iïnkaOfhka .d,af,a f,d;/hs wf,ú ksfhdað;fhda cd;sl f,d;/hs uKa‌v,hgo fuhg fmr lsysm j;djla‌u oekqï § ;sìKs' fuu kj;u fydrlï iïnkaOfhka fï jk úg .d,a, we,amsáh fmd,sish fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍IK wdrïN lr ;sfnk njo fmd,sish lshhs'

fnda.yf.dv - ta' ví,sõ' ta ksu,a

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