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f*ianqla fmu fl,jr jQ ksid 
;reKhd nd,alfha t,af,hs

Wiia fm< .Ks; wxYfhka wOHdmkh yodrd fojeks jr Wiia fm< úNd.hg fmkS isg m%;sM, wfmalaIdfjka isá fõhkaf.dv nKavdrkdhl uOH uyd úoHd,fha wOHdmkh yeoErE wúYal ´Idka kue;s 20 yeúßÈ ;reKhl= ;u ksfjfia ksok ldurfha nd,alhl f., je,,d f.k 21 jeks od yji folg muK ñh f.dia ;sfí'

ñ ;reKhd fõhkaf.dv jgeoaor m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejl= jk w;r mjqf,a jeäuy,a orejdh' ñ isiqjd lE.,a, Ydka; fcdaIma nd,sld úoHd,fha 11 jif¾ b.kqu ,nk mdi,a isiqúhl iu`. jir follg fmr isg wka;¾cd,fha f*ia nqla .sKqu yryd fma%u iïnkaohla we;s lrf.k we;'

 f*ia nqla iudc cd,h yryd we;s lr.;a fojirl fma%uh w;r;=r isiqúh ;reKhdf.a fma%uh m%;slafIam lsÍu fya;=fjka we;s jQ úfhdafjka ishÈú ydks lrf.k ;sfí' ;reKhd fma%ufha úryfjka Èk lSmhl isg miq jQ nj;a ta fya;=j u; ;u Ôú;h ke;s lr.kakg we;ehs ñ ;reKhdf.a {d;s ifydaorhl= mejeiSh'

;reKhdf.a úfhdaj;a iu`. jgeoaor .ïudkhu lïmdjg m;aj we;s w;r ishÈú kid .ekSu ms<sn|j ksÜgUqj fmd,sish jeäÿr mßlaIK mj;ajhs'

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