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fínÿ mshd mdov jevl''''

rd.," iagef*da¾Ù yxÈfha mÈxÑj isg we;s wjqreÿ 3 udi 6l jhie;s is.s;s ÈhKsh ;u mshd úiska f., isrlr urd ksjfia we| hg i.jd ;sìh§ yuqù we;' fufia ñhf.dia we;af;a jhi 3 1$2la jk iqf¾ks takaishd keu;s l=vd oeßhla jk w;r" fuu oeßhf.a uj óg jir lsysmhlg fmr ueofmrÈ. /lshdjla i|yd msg;aj f.dia we;' ñ oeßhf.a jhi 5la jk jeäuy,a ifydaorhd iu. ish ñ;a;kshf.a /ljrK hgf;a Ôj;aù we;'
bl=;a 24 fjks Èk fmrjrefõ 5 yeúßÈ msßñ orejd wikSmfhka isá we;s w;r" ñ;a;ksh Tyqg fnfy;a ,nd .ekSu i|yd rd., k.rhg f.dia meh lsysmhlg miq meñ”fï§ 33 úhe;s fidauiqkaorï iqf¾ka keu;s oeßhf.a mshd muKla ksji ;=< /£ isá we;s w;r" orejdf.k úuiSfï§ Tyq mjid we;af;a orejd fkdÿgq njhs'
 fuys§ wjg isá wh iu. orejd fidhd ne,Sfï§ we| we;=f,a l=vd iqf¾ksf.a w;la oel ;sfnkjd' ta jk úg;a l=vd iqf¾ksf.a isrer mrK fmdfydr Wrhl oud ;sî we;s w;r" m‍%foaY jdiSka jyd kqjrt<sh uQ,sl frday, fj; f.k .sh;a ta jk úg;a oeßh ñhf.dia isá nj Tjqka mjihs'

 fuu >d;khg iïnkaO oeßhf.a mshd lsisÿ /qlshdjla fkdl< wfhl= nj i|yka jk w;r ielmsg Tyq w;awvx.=jg f.k m‍%Yak lsÍfuka miq rd., fmd,sish fj; Tyq mjid we;af;a ;u ìß| jir lsysmhlg fmr úfoaY .;j we;;a óg udi 6lg fmr isg ;u úhoug lsisÿ uqo,la tjd ke;s ksid;a" >d;khg ,lajQ oeßh ;udf.a orefjl= fkdjk njg ld,hl isg ;ud ;=< ielhla we;s ksid;a tÈk îu;aj isá ;ud ÈhKshg mdmdrla .eiQ nj;a túg weh isysh ke;sj jegQ miq ,Kqjlska f., isrlr mrK fmdfydr Wrhg oeuQ njhs'

ví' tï' iqNisxy - kqjrt<sh

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