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oñ;d-fiañKs Widúfha§ iudodk fjhs''''

wka;¾cd,h yd mqj;am;a Tiafia wdkafoda,kd;aulj l;dnyg ,lajQ fiañKs boaou,af.dv yd oñ;d wfír;ak w;r kvq úNd.h w;yeroeóula ksid wjika jQ njg jd¾;d fõ''''

^14& Èk fld<U w¨;alfâ wêlrKfha§ fiañKsf.a kS;S{hska ñ,shk 500 la jkaÈ b,a,d oñ;d fiañKsg wmydi l< njg mejrE kvqj b,a,d wialr .;a w;r ta iu.u oñ;df.a kS;S{hskao tu kvqfjka miqj lS¾;s kduhg ydks l<njg mjrd ;snqKq ñ,shk 1000 kvqjo b,a,d wialr.kq ,enqjd'

fï ;SrKfhka miq úksiqrejrhdg úNd.lsÍug meñKs,a,la ke;s nj;a Tjqkag úiSÍ hk f,i;a oekajd isáhd' oñ;d yd fiañKs w;r fï iS;, hqoaOh wdrïNùfuka miq úúO iïuqL idldÉPd j,§ fofokd lrg lr m%ldY ksl=;a lrñka lshdisáfha fuu kvqj bj;a lrfkd.kakd njhs'

flfia kuq;a jir tlyudrla muK È.a.eiaiqkq fuu kvqj w;yer oukakg ;SrKh lf,a fiñKsf.a md¾Yjfhkqhs'

fï iïnkaOfhka úia;r oek .ekSug wms fiañKsj yd oñ;dj iïnkaO lr.;a;d'

fuys§ fiañKs mjid isáfha úúO udOHhkaf.ka fukau m%ùKhkaf.ka wehg fuu is÷ùu w;yer ouk f,i Wmfoia ,enqKq nj;a" ld¾hnyq,lu ksid bÈßhg fuh we|f.k hdu isÿlrkjdo keoao hkak ms<sn|j weh fo.sähdfjka miqjQ nj;ah'

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