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2015 whjefhka iyk ldgo@ ) iïmQ¾K fhdackdjkaf.ka idrdxYhla

2015 uqo,a j¾Ih i|yd jk whjeh uqo,a wud;Hjrhd jk ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d úiska wo^24&md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lrk ,§'

th ikaOdk wdKavqfõ 10 j whjeh jk w;r th ,xld b;sydifha 69 jk whjehhs'

2015 uqo,a j¾Ih i|yd jq úi¾ck mk;a flgqïm; iema;eïn¾ ui 26 jk od w.%dud;H §'uq' chr;ak uy;d úiska md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lrkq ,enQ w;r fujr whjefhka jeä uqo,a m%udKhla fjkalr we;af;a rdcH wdrlaIl yd kd.ßk ixj¾Ok wud;HxYhgh'

tu wud;HxYh i|yd fjkalr we;s uqo, remsh,a ì,shk 285ls'

uydud¾. jrdh yd kdúl lghq;= wud;HxYhg fujr whjefhka remsh,a ì,shk 200 l uqo,la fjka lr we;s w;r remsh,a ì,shk 139 l uqo,la fjka lr we;af;a fi!LH wud;HxYhgh'

remsh,a ì,shk 113 l uqo,la wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok wud;HxYhg fjkalr we;s w;r remsh,a ì,shk 47 l uqo,la wOHdmk wud;HxYhg fjkalr ;sfí'

flfia fj;;a fujr whjefhka úfYaIfhka wjOdkhg ,laúh hq;= lreKq my; mßÈ fm<.eiaúh yelsh'

2015 jk úg wfußlka fvd,¾ 4000la jk tal mqoa., wdodhu jir 2020§ fvd,¾ 7500 olajd jeä lrñka by<ueÈ wdodhï ,nk rgla njg Y%S ,xldj m;alsÍu ;u wfmalaIdj nj ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d lshhs' tfiau leisfkda Yd,d i|yd we;=¿ùfï§ fvd,¾ 100l noaola wh lsÍug;a" jdyk i|yd úfYaI noaola y÷kajd§ug;a ckm;s fhdackd lrhs'

ksjdij, c, mßfNdackfhka uq,a c, tall 25 i|yd wh lrk uqo, ishhg 10ka wvq lsÍug fujr whjefhka fhdackd lr ;sfí'

foaYSh f.dúhd wdrlaId lrkq jia ù lsf,dajl iy;sl ñ, remsh,a 34 isg 40 olajd jeä lsÍugo wiajkq fk<k ld,fha§ w," ÆKq yd ñßia i|yd iy;sl ñ,la ,nd§ugo ckm;s fhdackd lrhs'

remsh,a 350 fmdfydr iykdOdrh ;jÿrg;a ,nd§ug;a wfmalaIs;h'

foaYSh Èhr lsß ,Sgrhl iy;sl ñ, remsh,a 60 olajd jeälr foaYSh lsßmsá lsf,dajl ñ, remsh,a 100ka wvq lsÍug;a" foaYSh fhda.Ü ñ, remsh,a 3ka wvq lsÍug;a whjefhka fhdackd flßKs'

fmr mdi,a .=rejreka remsh,a 2500l §ukdjlao wdhq¾fõo ffjoHjrekag remsh,a 5000 l §ukdjlao §ug fhdackd lr we;'

tfiau YsIH;aj iu;=ka i|yd uilg ,ndfok remsh,a 500 l YsIHdOdrh remsh,a 1500 olajd jeä lsÍug o ta wkQj th jirlg remsh,a 15"000 isg 25"000 olajd jeä lsÍug wfmalaIs;h'

;jo iriú isiqkag yd Wiia wOHdmk wdh;k isiqkag ,ndfok uyfmd< YsIHdOdrh remsh,a 2500 isg 4000 olajd jeä lsÍug 2015 whjefhka fhdackd lr ;sfí'

furg iEu mqrjeisfhl=u ffjoH mÍlaIKhlg ,la lsÍu i|yd cx.u ffjoH idhk l%uhla l%shd;aul flfrk w;r ta i|yd remsh,a ñ,shk 500la 2015 wh jefhka fjka lsÍug fhdackd lrk ,§'

tfiau jeäysáhkag f.jkq ,nk §ukdj remsh,a 1000 isg remsh,a 2000 olajd jeä lsÍug 2015 wh jefhka fhdackd flreKq w;r ;%ia;jdohg tfrysj igka je§ug ¥ mq;=ka ndrÿka uõmshka fjkqfjka oekg ,ndfok remsh,a 750 §ukdj remsh,a 1000 olajd jeä lsÍug o tu §ukdj fmd,Sisfha yd isú,a wdrlaIl fiajfha whgo ,nk jif¾ isg ,nd§ug wfmalaIs;h'

rdcH‍ fiajlhskaf.a wju udisl jegqm remsh,a 25"000 olajd jeä lsÍug;a oekg ,ndfok §ukd ish,a, j;auka uQ,sl jegqmg tla lsÍug;a "Ôjk úhoï §ukdj o remsh,a 2200ka jeä lr tu §ukdj remsh,a 10"000 olajd jeä lsÍug o fhdackd lr ;sfí'

ta wkQj ishÆ §ukdo we;=¿j rdcH ‍fiajlhskaf.a wju udisl wdodhu remsh,a 25"000 olajd jeä jk nj i|ykah'

tfiau ish¨u úY%dñlhskaf.a jegqma 2015 úY%du jegqma l%uhg wkQj jHqy.; lsÍugo whjefhka fhdackd lr ;sfí'

fm!oa.,sl wxY fiajlhskaf.a wju jegqm remsh,a 10"000 olajd jeä lsÍug;a Tjqkaf.a fiajl fiajl w¾:idOl wruqo, i|yd fiajd fhdaclhd úiska f.jkq ,nk ishhg 12l wruqo, ishhg 14 olajd jeä lsÍugo fujr whjefhka wfmalaIs;h'


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