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ckm;s whjeh l;dfõ§ lS lú

wfma .%dóh iudch uqyqK§ ;snQ wiSre ;;a;ajh Èjx.; id.r m,kaiQßh l,dYQÍkaf.a lú mka;shlska whjehg woyia ,nd.ekSu i|yd 2014 cqks udifha fudKrd., mej;s /iaùfï§ wud;H úð;uqKs fidhsid uy;d isysm;a l< nj mjiñka ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d miq.shod 2015 whjeh l;dfõ ye¢kaùu lrñka fufia tu lú mka;sh .dhkd lf<ah'

jyf,a isÿre w;ßka jeys ì÷ fíf¾
f.du ueá fkd.E ìu fmdäj,j,a yEf¾
lgq ueá ì;a;sfha fmd<jg nr f;af¾
ueá .e,ú,d Èh l|hhs f.h yEf¾

f.dïuka fj,djg we;s nj wj;dr
woyhs msáif¾ yeu .eñfhl= kEr
<uhd fmfkk fkdfmfkk fõf,a mdr
f.g ths weúÈkakg neßfjkfldg ?g

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