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n¾ñhqvd ;%sfldaKfha wNsryi

n¾ñhqvd ;s‍%fldaKh hkq f,dj fuf;la fkdúi÷Kq wNsryia rdYshla tla;eka jqkq m%foaYhls'  wefußldj wdikakfha msysá leßìhka uqyqÿ m%foaYfha msysgd we;s fuys w;=reoka jQ keõ" .=jkahdkd .Kk w;s úYd,h'

thg fya;=j fuys we;s pqïNl n,hla hehs úúO m¾fhaIK uÕska m%ldY lrkakg úoHd{hska iu;a jQjo thg uQ,sl fya;=jla fidhd.kakg Tjqka iu;a fkdùh'

flfia kuq;a f,djg ;j;a tla fkdúi÷Kq wNsryilaj ;snQ n¾ñhqvd ;s‍%fldaKfha wNsryi ms,sn| úYajdi l, yels f;dr;=re lsysmhla wkdjrKh lr.ekSug úoHd{dhska iu;aj we;'

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