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ndÑf.a fl,a, udÜgq fj,d 

kj mrmqf¾ olaI .dhlfhla jk ndÑ iqidkaf.a fmïj;shla ms,sn| f;dr;=re fy,sj ;sfí'

ndÑf.a fmïj;shf.a f;dr;=re fy,sj we;af;a Tyq iuÕ fÜ%,a nhsisl,hlska fld<U weú;a jeiafiu f.or hoa§ w;r ueo§ ldKqjl jeàu ksidh'

ndÑ ldkqjg jegqK;a fmïj;sh ldkqjg fkdjeà fíreK njo mejfia'

fï h;=re meÈh y,dj; ffY,S ix.S; lKavdhfï idudðlhl=f.a nhsisl,hla njo mejfia'

flfiajjqo fï yqgmgh isÿj we;af;a ndÑ fï ;rï m%isoaO fjkak l,ska óg wjqreÿ lsysmhl fmr nj ndÑ fy<slr ;sfí'

wk;=r ksid fï fmï m,ys,õj f.j,aj,g ie,jqK nj mejfia'

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