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;reK hqj,la niar:hl wfYdaNk f,i yeisreKq ùäfhdaj
fld<U l=,shdmsáh iqfLdamfnda.S niar:hl ;reKfhla yd ;reKshla wfYdaNk f,i yeisÍ we;s w;r ta ms<sn|j nia r:fha isá uÕsfhla fldkafodia;r uy;d fj; meñKs,s fldg

kuq;a Tyq m%ldY fldg we;af;a fuh idudkH isÿùula nj;a t;rï wjOdkh fhduq fkdjk lreKla nj;ah'

thg ms<s;=re ÿka uÕshdg fldiafodia;rjrhd fukau ßhÿreo fodaIdfrdamK t,a, fldg we;s w;r wod, isoaêh Tyq ;ukaf.a cx.u ÿrl:kfhka má.; fldg cd;sl fldñIka iNdjgo Ndr§ we;'

flfia kuq;a u.S m%jdyk nia r:hl§ lsishï úkh úfrdaë lghq;a;la isÿjkafka kï th je<elaùfï j.lSu nia r:fha fldkafodia;rjrhdg mejfrk nj" cd;sl fldñiu mjikjd'

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