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2015 whjeh ksid
jdyk ñ, wvqjk yeá

2015 whjeh u.ska fudag¾ r: i|yd y÷kajd ÿka kj ir, noao fya;=fjka tkaðka Odß;djh 1000 g wvq fudag¾ r: iy jEka r:j, ñ, .Kkaj, lemS fmfkk wvqùula isÿjkq we;ehs ,xld jdyk wdkhk lrejkaf.a ix.ufha iNdm;s iïm;a fufrxÑf.a uy;d m%ldY lrkjd'
fï ksid yhì%â fudag¾ r: yd cmka fudag¾ r:j, ñ, .Kkao
iq¿ jYfhka wvqúh yels kuq;a th lemS fmfkk wvqùula fkdjk njo Tyq lshkjd'
Tyq ta .ek ±lajQ woyi my; mßÈh'
—jEka r:j, úYd, b,a¨ula ;snqKd' wjYH;djhg wmg wdkhkh lsÍfï yelshdjla ;snqfK kE' ta .ek rch i,ld ;=fkka tlla ú;r nÿ wvqlr, ;sfnkjd' jEka r: wdkhkh lsÍug bÈßfha§ úfYaI bv m%ia:djla ;sfnkjd'

 fudag¾ r: wdkhkh lsÍfï§ ir, nÿ l%uhla l%shd;aul lrk f,i jdyk wdkhk lrejka rcfhka b,a,d isáhd'fujr whjefhka th l%shd;aul lsÍu ch.%yKhla' nÿ ir, lsÍu ksid nÿ meyer yeÍu wvqù rdcH nÿ wdodhu jeäjkjd'Z

fï w;r uqo,a wud;HxYfha ksfhdacH f,alï tia'wd¾' wdá., uy;d ta .ek ±lajQ woyi my; mßÈh'

z2015 whjeh u.ska fudag¾ r: yd jEka wdkhkh fjkqfjka mekjQ kj nÿ ixfYdaOk fya;=fjka fudag¾ r:j, f¾.= nÿ ishhg 20-25 w;r m%udKhlska iy jEka r: i|yd f¾.= nÿ ishhg 25-65 w;r m%udKhlska wvqjkjd' fuu whjeh fhdackdj tÈk uOHu rd;%sfha isg l%shd;aul jk ksid wksjd¾fhkau fudag¾ r:j, yd jEka r:j, ñ, blaukska wvqjkjd' fudag¾ r: yd jEka r: wdkhkfha§ ;snQ nÿ ish,a, tl;= lr úfYaI noaola fujr whjeh u.ska y÷kajd § ;sfnkjd' fï ksid" fuu jdykj, ñ, wksjd¾fhkau wvqfjkjd'—

fuu kj nÿ ixfYdaOkhg wkqj tkaðka Odß;djh 1000 g wvq fudag¾ r: wdkhkfha§ ;snQ ishhg 202 la jk nÿ ishhg 173 olajd wvqlr ;sfí' fï wkqj" l=vd fudag¾ r:j, wdkhk nÿ ishhg 29 lska muK my< hkq we;'
jEka r: ie,lSfï§ NdKav m%jdykh lrk jEka r:j, ishhg 175 lg ;snQ noao ishhg 100 la olajd;a wdik 13-20 ;a w;r ;sfnk jEka r:j, wdkhk nÿ ishhg 126 l isg ishhg 100 la olajd;a wvqlr we;'

f;dr;=re –

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