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whshhs kx.s yex.s uq;a;ka fi,a,ï lr,d kx.sf.a nfâ udi yhl l,,hla - 12 yeúßos oeßhg udi yhl l,<hla

.d,a, yslalvqj fmd,sia n, m‍%foaYfha jhi wjqreÿ 12l oeßhúhlf.a .eí .ekSula iïnkaOfhka wjqreÿ 13l msßñ orefjl= w;vx.=jg f.k ;sfí’ os.ska ;u Worfha fõokdjla we;s nj mejiSfuka miqj wod< oeßúhf.a foudmshka weh
ffjoH mßlaIKhlg Ndckh lr ;sfí’ tys oS wkdjrKh ù we;af;a Worfha f.ähla we;s njhs’ miqj .d,af,a úfYaI{ ffjoHjrfhl= yryd oeßh iïnkaOfhka l< mßlaIKhlska ;yjqre ù we;af;a udi yhl ore .eUla fï oeßúf.a .efUys we;s njhs’

.eí.;a oeßúh yd ielldr orejdf.a ksfjia msysáfha wod< .ïudkfha tlu bvfï tlu wdikakfhah’ fï jif¾ nla udifhaoS ksjfia fi,a,ï lrñka isáhoS wod< mdi,a oeßúh yex.suq;a;ka fi,a,fï fhoS isg ;sfí’ fuu oeßúh wod< jhi wjqreÿ 13 ielldr orejdf.a ldurhg f.dia ie`.ù ;sfí’ fï wjia:dfõ oS wod< msßñ ielldr orejdo ldurhg meóKsfuka miqj fofokd ,sx.slj tlaù ;sfí’ .d,a, <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hxYh yd yslalvqj fmd,Sish tlaj ;jÿrg;a fmd,sia mßlaIK mj;ajhs’

ksu,a w,af.j;a; (Wmqgd .ekSuls )

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