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r;akmqr niakej;=ï fmd< bÈßmsg§ fmd,sish ldka;djlg wudkqIslj myrÿka yeá 

ixialrKh fkdl< ùäfhdaj n,kak ld,fha jdßhfmdb, nia kej;=ïfmd< wi, ;reKshla úiska wehg wj,do ke.= ;reKfhl=g m%isoaêfha myrÿka isÿùu ,xldfõu wdkafoda,khg ,laúh'

thg yd;amiskau fjkia isÿùula r;akmqr nia kej;=ïm, bÈßmsg§ isÿù ;sfí'

f*ianqla fj; tlalrk ,o fuu ùäfhdafjka fmfkkafka fmd,sisfha ks,Odßfhl= úiska wiNhh joka mjiñka fofkda odyla bÈßfha ldka;djlg ìu oud myrfok wdldrh fõ'

ixialrKh fkdl< ùäfhdaj my;ska n,kak'

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