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nqlsfha m;a;=jQ
wkqr l=udrf.a mq;=f.a újdyh

cúfm kdhl wkqr l=udr Èidkdhlf.a mq;= liqkaf.a újdyh iïnkaO PdhdrEm fm<la miq.shod uq,ajrg m<jQfha cúfm ysgmq idudðlfhl=g wh;a fjí wvúhlh' th miqj wka;¾cd,fha fndfyda ;eka j, m<jQ w;r l:dnygo ,la úh'

fïjdfha liqka iïnkaOfhka úúO úia;r m<jQ w;r Tyq mqoa.,sl úYaj úoHd,hl wOHdmkh ,eîu wkqr l=udrf.a foaYmd,khg mgyeks nj tla woyila úh' liqka wkqr l=udr uy;df.a ßhÿrd f,i jir 3 la muK lghq;= l<nj;a miqj uyskao md,k iufha ñyska ,xld wdh;kfha /lshdjlg .sh nj;a ñyska ,xld wfydais l< miqj thd¾ ,xld fj; udrejQ nj;a 
tys§ yuqjQ ,Sid iu. fufia hq. Èúhg t,eU we;s nj;a tu úia;r j,ska lsheúKs'

Tyqf.a wOHdmkh yd /lshd ,nd.ekSfï foaYmd,ksl fya;= olajñka fï .ek úúO l;d me;sr f.dia ;sfí' flfia fj;;a liqka Èidkdhl kue;s fuu mq;%hd wkqr l=udrf.a mq;= njg kï l<;a i;H f,iu wkqr l=udrg odj Wmkafkl= fkdjk nj;a Tyqf.a ìßhf.a fmr újdyfha mqf;l= nj;a fuu l:dnfya§ fy<s lr ;snqKs' wkqrf.a ìßho wkqrg <Ûu {d;s iïnkaOhla we;s wfhl= njo fy<s lr ;sfí'

;j;a ;ekl lshejqfka liqkao wkqrf.a wämdf¾ hñka cúfm mQ¾Kld,Skj lghq;= lr we;s wfhl= njhs'
fuu fy<sorõ lsÍï ljrla wi;Ho ljrla i;Hoehs lsisfjl= meyeÈ,s lsÍï isÿ lr ke;' tkuq;a ish mqoa.,sl Ôú; ms<sn| f;dr;=re yeuúgu ryila jYfhka ;nd.kakd cúfm idudðlhkaf.a tu ryiHNdjh kQ;k iudc udOH l%shdj,sh ;=< wNsfhda.hg ,laj we;s nj fmfkkag ;sfí'

fï jkúg liqka yd iïnkaO f*ianqla msgqjo wl%Sh lr ;sfí' 

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