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uQ,H wmrdO mÍlaIK fldÜGdih
brdÊf.a kx.s ßIaks w,a,kak
oe, t<hs'

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.a jHdmdrj, m%j¾Ok W;aij ixúOdkh l< ckm%sh .dhl brdÊ ùrr;akf.a ifydaoßh jk wkqIsld ßIaks ùrr;ak iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re fiùug uQ,H wmrdO mÍlaIK fldÜGdih wdrïN lr we;ehs tys wNHka;r wdrxÑ ud¾.j,ska jd¾;d fõ'

fmdÿ rdcH uKav,Sh 2018 l%Svd Wf<, yïnkaf;dgg ,nd .ekSu i|yd ngysr bka§h fldfoõ ¥m;ays ‘fikaÜ lsÜia’ ys mj;ajk ,o W;aij ixúOdkh lr we;af;ao ßIaksf.a ‘frÙ fpÍ’ wdh;kh úiska nj mejfia'

ßIaks" ‘b,a fkdhsia tkag¾fÜkaukaÜ’ ^ILL NOIZE Entertainmnet& wdh;kfhao wOHlaIsldjla f,i lghq;= lrk njo jd¾;d fõ'

tfiau weh úiska fikaÜ lsÜia fj; / kdu,S keue;s rd;%S iudc Yd,dj, k¾;kfha fhÿKq ;re‚hla iïnkaOfhkao f;dr;=re fiùug uQ,H wmrdO mÍlaIK fldÜGdih mÍlaIK wdrïNlr we;s nj tys wNHka;r wdrxÑ ud¾.j,ska jd¾;d fõ'

ßIaks" kdu,af.a ;dreKHg fygla ixúOdkfha wOHlaIjßhla f,igo lghq;= lr we;s nj mejfia'

‘frÙ fpÍ’ wdh;kh fj; fikÜ lsÜiays W;aijfha ixúOdk lghq;= ,nd§ we;af;a Bg fmr ,xldfõ ‘whs*d’ Wf<, ixúOdkh l< bkaÈhdfõ ‘úIal%d*aÜ’ ^Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.& wdh;kh tu Wf<f,a ixúOdk lghq;= ,nd§ug ;Skaÿlr ;sìh§ njo jd¾;d fõ'

flfiajqjo" ld,fha§ kdu,a b;d lsÜgqfjka weiqre l< ish¨‍u ;re‚hka iïnkaOfhka fïÈkj, FCID h mÍlaIK mj;ajk njo fï w;r jd¾;d fõ'

ßIaks ùrr;ak yd brdÊ ùrr;ak ckm%sh Ñ;%mg ksIamdolhl= jk m%S;srdÊ ùrr;ak uy;df.a Èh‚h yd mq;%hdh'

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