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cmqf¾ YsIH uer m%ydrhla
úYaj úoHd, mßmd,kh"
wdrlaIl wxYh n,d isáh§
ovq uq.=re .,a uq,a wdÈfhka
úoHd mSG isiqkag myr foa

Y%s chj¾Okmqr úYajúoHd,fha jHjydßl úoHdmSGfha isiq isiqúhkag wo ^03& Èk uOHykfhaÈ úYaj úoHd,h ;=<§u YsIH uer msßila úiska m%ydrhla t,a, lr we;' oekg ,efnk wdrxÑ ud¾. j,g wkqj jHjydßl úoHd mSGfha kjl joh ms<s.;a isiqka msßila yd ms<sfkd.;a isiqka msßila w;r .egqula jk w;r m<uq jir kjl isiqka yg n,mEï lsßfï§ we;s jq nyska nia ùula ÿrÈ. hEfuka .egqu we;s jq w;r jHjydßl úoHd mSG YsIH ix.ufha ksfhdað;hska lsysm fofkl=u frday,a .; ù we;'

úYaj úoHd,Sh úoHd mSGfha ;=< we;s jq fuu .egqug l,d iy l<ukdlrK mSG j, isiqka iïnkao ù we;s nj oekg wdrxÑ ú we;' úoHd mSG mßmd,kh iy úYaj úoHd, mßmd,kh" úYaj úoHd, wdrlaIl wxYh n,d isáh§ ovq uq.=re .,a uq,a wdÈfhka úoHd mSG isiqkag myr § ;sfí' ld,fha fujeks .egqï ks;ru wdrxÑ jqjo úYaj úoHd, mßmd,kh iy úoH mSGfha mßmd,kfha ÿ¾j, lfYareldj fya;=fjka fujeks w;sYh fõokdldß myr§ï YsIHka yg ú¢kakg fya;= ù ;sfí'

miq .sh jifr;a fujeks wldrfha myr§ula we;sjq wjia:dfjÈ 2015 ckdêm;sjrKfhaÈ m%n, uyskao md¾Yslfhla jq úoHd mSG mSGdÈm;s iqoka; ,shkf.a hymd,k wdKavqj iemoehs YsIHkaf.ka úuid we;s w;r foaYmd,k m,s .ekSï j,g YsIHhka fhdod .ekSu ms,snoj foudmshkaf.ka yd mSG wdpd¾h uKav,h oeä fia úfjpkh lrhs' fï iïnkao kj;u f;dr;=re" PdhdrEm ,o ieKska wka;¾cd,hg ksl=;a lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafkuq'

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