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fYaIdo%sg t,a,jQ fpdaokdj,g
ms,s;=re fohs

fYaIdo%sf.a me;af;ka lshk l;dj

fï Èkj, iudc cd, fjí wvú u.ska jeä l;dnylg ,laj we;s fYaIdo%s iïnkaOfhka ldf.a;a wjOdkh fhduq ù ;sfnkjd' Bg fya;= ù we;af;a wef.a ieñhd jk iïm;a o is,ajd iu. weh iïnkaOfhka l< m%ldYhla iu.hs'

Tyq udOH fj; mjid ;snqfKa fYaIdo%s iy iïm;a f.a fuu újdyhg jir folla .;ùug fmr fuf,i ì| jeà we;s njhs'je,a,j;a; m%foaYfha iqmsß uy,a ksjil yh jeks uyf,a§ ;j;a msßñhl= iu. wehj yiqjQ nj;a ;uka tu ia:dkhg .sfha fmd,sish iu. nj;a iïm;a udOH fj; woyia m< lr ;snqKd'

flfia fj;;a fYaIdo%sf.a md¾Yjfhka wod< isÿ ùu iïnkaOj lsisÿ m%ldYhla isÿ lr ;snqfKa keye'

tfy;a wehf.a mjqf,a kS;S{jrhd jrhd fï iïnkaOfhka udOH wdh;khla fj; woyia m< lr ;sfnk njg jd¾;d jkjd' ta wkqj kS;S{jrhd mjid we;af;a fYaIdo%s iïm;af.a ksjfika meñK ;snqfKa uehs ui 29 jkod nj;a bka miq foudmshka iu. ksjfia isá weh cQks udifha ieñhdf.ka fjkaùug Èlalido kvqjla oeuQ njhs'

fuys m<uq kvqjdrh iema;eïn¾ ui 17 jkod mej;s w;r B<. kvqjdrh foieïn¾ ui meje;aùug kshñT;j ;sfnkjd'

fï w;r fYaIdo%s fï Èkj, jHdmdrhla mgka .ekSug iqodkï jk njg jd¾;d jkjd'

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