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Ykqo%s iy oiqka uOqIdka
isrfiaoS kd.;a;do@


miq.shod Èkfha isg isri rEmjdysksfhka wdrïN jQ kj jevigykla f,i úldYh jQ ;re u,a w;ßka jevigyfka§ yß wmQre isÿùï lsysmhlau isÿjqkd'

tys wdrdê;hka f,i meñKsfha isri iqm¾iagd¾ iSika 5 yS§ ch.‍%dylhd njg m;ajQ oiqka uOqIdka yd m‍%shidoa mjqf,a nd,hd jk Ykqo%s m‍%shidoa hk fofokdh'
jevigyk w;r ;=re oiqkaf.a mQ¾jm‍%pdrl mghla úldYh lrñka ioyka lf,a Tyq wvqjhiska fldaám;sfhla njg m;ajQ wfhl= njhs' wvqjhiska fldaám;sfhl= jQ .dhlhd ;ukaf.a idudkH oekSu m‍%o¾Ykh lrk wjia:dfõ yß wmQre ms<s;=rla ,ndÿkafkah'

tysoS ,xldfõ w.kqjr f,i Tyq uykqjr kï l, w;r tys yß ms<s;=r Ykqo%sf.ka úuiQ úg weh mejiqfõ ,xldfõ w.kqjr fld<U jk njhs' bka wk;=rej Ykqo%sf.a m‍%Yak jgfha YS‍% ,xldjg ksoyi ,enqKq j¾Ih weiq úg mfya mka;sfha orejkao y;f¾ mka;sfha isg okakd tu j¾Ih f,i weh ioyka lf,a 1964 j¾Ih njhs'

fuu jevigyk u.ska fma‍%laIlhkag fukau úfYaIfhka jeäjYfhka iudc cd, weiqre lrk ;reK ;reKshkag b;du;a fydo mKsjqvhla ,nd§ug lghq;= l,d' tkï mqhr nnd,d f,i fïlma W,df.k iudc cd, j, yeisfrk fndfyda ;reKshkaf.a ienE iajrEmh ,xldjg ksoyi ,enqKq Èkh jeks ir, fohla j;a fkdokakd ysia pß; njhs'

tfukau iqmß ;re lshd mqïnd wka ; ienE isysk hgm;a lr .dhk msiaiqjla nf,ka we;sfldg bnd.df;a ÿjkakg i,iajd lsre¿ m,kaok fldaám;shehs lshk .dhlhkaf.a fnd,a iajNdjh fl;rï ydiH cklo hk j.' wo iudc mßydksh jvd;a fydÈka f;areï .ekSug wjia:djla tu jevigyk u.ska Bfha Èkfha ishÆ ;reK ;reKshkag ,nd ÿkakd'

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