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wiNH joka iys; lñihla
we|f.k wd mshqñ ksid iaj¾Kjdysksfha
jevigykla u. kj;S (photos)

iajdêk rEmjdysksfha úldYkh w;aysgjq ˜‍ß;=˜‍ fg,skdgHfha m%Odk ks<sh fukau iaj¾Kjdysks iji 6 isg 7 olajd iðúj úldYkh jk ñhqisla ysá jevigyk fufyhjk mshqñ yxiud,s yg weneoaÈhla isÿj we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

óg Èk lsysmhlg WvÈ iji yhg wdrñNjk iðú ix.s; jevigyk fufyh jkakmshqñ yxiud,d we|f.k meñ‚ à I¾gh ksidfjka tu jevigyk yÈisfha k;r lsÍug lghq;= fldg ;sfí' tu à I¾Ü tflys ˜‍*la˜‍ hk wiNH jpkh meyeÈ,sj fmfkk whqßka i|ykaj ;sî we;s w;r th ÿgq wdh;k m%Odkshd jydu th k;r lrkakehs md,l ueÈßhg Wmfoia È ;sfí'

weh weo isá tu áI¾á tl rEmjdyskS jevigykla bÈßm;a lsÍug fkdj .uka ìuka i|yd we|ka isàug WÑ; fkdjqjla jk w;r ta nj jevigyka l,uKdlre wehg mejisug ue,sú we;af;a weh nqoaêl l=,fialrf.a f;aßula ksid njhs wNHka;r wdrxÑ ud¾. ioyka lrkafka'

miq.shod mej;s ckdêm;sjrK iufhaÈ nq,;a fld,hla wf;a ;ndf.k nK foaYkd l, ysñkula iñnkaOfhka jevigyka ksIamdol yd iyh ksIamdol tl fudy;ska fiajh w;aysgjq iaj¾Kjdysks wdh;kfha nqoaêl l=,fialr fus isoaêfhaÈ lsisu l%shdud¾.hla fkd.eksu ;=,ska l;dfjs we;=,a me;a; f;areñ .; yelshehs jevigyka wxYfha ksIamdol jrfhla mejiSh'

wdh;kfha lsisÿ mqoa.,fhl=g .re fkdlrk mshqñ yxiud,d bÈßfhaÈ ksrej;ska jevigykla iðúj bÈßm;a l,;a nqoaêl l=,fialr wkaO fhla fuka fjk;la n,d.kq we;'

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