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uyskao mrdo fjÉp .uka
uf.a i;=g byjyd .shd''

pkaøsldf.a ys; krla lsÍu l=fõ‚f.a idmh jf.hs'''

úIaKq foúhfka Tng nqÿ nj ,efíjd æææ - u¾úka is,ajd oeka lshk l;d''

˜‍fïlg lshkafka ÈÜG OïufõokSh l¾uh lsh,d' pkaøsld ue;sksh ke;akï Y%S ,xld ksoyia mla‍Ih m%uqL ikaOdkhla keye' 77§ me/ÿKq fj,dfõ uf.a ld¾ tfla fndaïn fmÜáhla wrka weú;a iudêh /lafla uu'

l=fõ‚f.a idmh jf.a ;uhs pkaøsld l=udr;=x. ue;skshf.a ys; krla lsÍu' ys; ls,sgq lsÍu ksid ;uhs ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;a;hg fï foa jqfKa'

thd .dj ysáfha wefußlka mqrjeisfhda ;=ka fokhs' ta neis,a" f.daGdNh" v,ia' neis,a ;uhs lshk jpkfha ms;Djrhd'

Pkafo mrdohs lsh,d uu oek.;a;g miafia uf. i;=g byjyd .shd' úIaKq foúhfka Tng nqÿ nj ,efíjd lsh,d ug bfíu lshejqKd' thd me/È,d kslïu .shd fkfõ br mdhkak biafi,a,d hkak jqKd' t;ek lf<;a /jàula˜‍ hkq‍fjka u¾úka is,ajd m%ldY lrhs'

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