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weu;slula fkd,eîu .ek nqoaêl l:d lrhs

kj wdKavqfõ wud;HOQrhla fyda ksfhdacH wud;HOQrhla fkd,eîu iïnkaOfhka ;ukag lsis÷ lK.dgqjla ke;ehs tlai;a cd;sl mla‍I ud;r Èia;‍%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S nqoaêl m;srK uy;d mjikjd'

ta uy;d ta nj mejiqfõ fk;a ksjqia iu. Bfha rd;‍%S l< úfYaI idlÉPdjlÈhs'

,uu uf.a ðúf;a ck;dj ;=kajrla by,u Pkao ixLHdjlska ud;r Èia;%slalfha m<fjkshd njg m;al,d' uu mdi,a hk ld,fha isgu nd,olaI jHdmdrh ;=,"

YsIH kdhlhka f,i fndfyda ;ekaj, jev lr,d ;sfnkjd' ug ch.%yKhka mrdchka ms<sno miq;eùï" WfmalaIdùï" l,amkdldÍùï ;;ajhka keye'

uu w;yeÍu lshk foh yeuodu m%.=K l, flfkla' ta iïnkaOfhka uf.a wuq;= woyila keye' ;k;=re ;snqk;a ke;;a úmlaIfha ysáho wdKavq mlaIfha ysáho keoao lshk ldrKh oaú;sl ldrKhla f,i i,ld jev lsÍuhs uf.a l%uh'

tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha idudðlhkag úis wjqreÿ mrdcfha msvkhg iykhla ,efnkjd kï uu lshkafka hld fkfjhs hldf.a wdÉÑ tlal yß tl;= fjkak wjYHhs lsh,d'
ta w;S;fha mqoa.,hskaf.ka jerÈ fjkak mq¿jka'jerÈ ksjerÈ lr.kak mqoa.,hskag wjia:djla fokak wjYHhs'

oeka Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh jerÈ lr,d keoao @ ta jerÈ ksjerÈ lr.kak Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha whg wjia:djla §,d ta wh mqkre;a:dmkh lsÍfï je/oao fudloao @ w;S;fha ish¿ fokdf.kau jerÈ isÿfj,d ;sfnkjd',

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